A webinar is an online session where you can learn about your child’s development, health, and wellness. Most of these sessions are hosted live by pediatric rehab healthcare providers. This means you can see, hear, and ask questions during the session. Some sessions are pre-recorded. When you attend one of these, you’ll see and hear the information about that topic. Once you register for a webinar, you’ll be sent a link to connect on the date and time of the session. You can join a webinar using your computer, laptop, or any device that connects to the internet.
These sessions are offered at many dates and times and are free. Check out which ones are right for you. If you have trouble registering for a webinar, you can email
childrenyouthhealth@ahs.ca and someone will help you.
Development webinars
Daily Self-Care
Sweet dreams: Tips for better sleep for babies and toddlers
Are you and your baby struggling with sleep?
If you want information and ideas for better sleep, join this session to learn about:
- how long your baby sleeps and their sleep patterns
- how to create a bedtime routine that meets your baby’s needs
- how to help your baby sleep when there are changes in your life
- resources about sleep for you and your baby
This webinar is intended for parents and caregivers of babies from birth to 24 months.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS occupational therapists and social workers
Date and registration

Toilet training
Is your child getting older and still “not interested” in toilet training?
Are you struggling with how to toilet train your child, but want to get it done?
If this is you, join this series of 5 webinars to learn how to:
- create a detailed toilet training plan that fits your child and your life
- toilet train your child effectively and efficiently
- teach related activities to toileting such as wiping and staying dry at night
The 5 webinars in this series are intended for all parents and caregivers of children aged 3 years to 18 years. The approaches presented are especially effective for children with developmental challenges.
These webinars aren’t suitable for children with spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, or neurogenic bladders.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS occupational therapists
Date and registration
Toilet troubles
Is your child anxious or afraid to pass stool (poop) into the toilet? Were they toilet trained, but now they’re soiling themselves? Is your child having trouble with constipation (chronic constipation), holding back stools (withholding), or have stool leak out (encopresis)?
Attend this webinar to learn about:
- what chronic constipation is
- how to manage chronic constipation (medical, emotional, and physical plans)
- how to start using a bowel retraining program for your child’s needs
- how emotions affect toilet troubles and how to support your child and yourself
This series of 3 webinars is intended for parents and caregivers of children aged 3 years to 18 years who are dealing with chronic constipation. This is suitable for children who are or have been pee trained and may have been bowel trained in the past.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS registered occupational therapists and psychologists
Date and registration
Puberty: Preparing for periods (monthly cycles)
Is your child getting close to puberty? Do you have questions about how puberty will affect them and how to recognize what’s happening, regardless of their physical abilities, cognitive and mental health abilities, or gender identity?
This webinar focuses on how the start of their period can affect your child’s life.
You’ll learn about:
- how to support your child through the physical and emotional changes related to periods
- timelines, tracking, common symptoms, and how to plan ahead
- what to watch for and when to get more help for your child
This webinar is intended for parents and caregivers of children 8 to 18 years. Your child may or may not have started their period yet.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS occupational therapists
Date and registration
Puberty: Managing periods (monthly cycles)
Is your child reaching puberty? Are you wondering how to help them manage their periods because of their cognitive, physical, or mental health challenges? Does your child now need help in the bathroom because they’ve started their period?
This is session 2 of a 2-part webinar series. It’s recommended that you attend
Puberty: Preparing for periods (monthly cycles) before attending this session.
In this webinar you’ll:
- develop a plan to help your child manage periods in different settings
- explore different period management options
- help your child to manage their periods by themselves
This webinar is intended for parents or caregivers of children:
- 8 to 18 years
- who are neurodiverse or have physical, cognitive, or mental health challenges
- who can manage toileting without adult support
Your child may or may not have started their period yet. This webinar is also suitable for caregivers supporting children outside of the home.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS occupational therapists
Date and registration

Eating, Feeding, and Swallowing
Tips for success: Getting through mealtime struggles
Mealtimes can be a struggle for families for many reasons. This video series explores the different reasons and gives suggestions to help you have more positive mealtimes.
In this series you’ll get resources, information, and tips about:
- how to make stronger connections with your child by understanding their needs, reactions, and point of view
- how to set up a mealtime routine including where and how meals take place in your home
- how to introduce new foods
- how your child learns about textures and feeding themselves
- nutrition for your child
These recorded sessions are intended for parents and caregivers of children 6 months to 8 years. The series includes an introduction session and 4 others on different topics.
Length of session: range from 8 to 36 minutes (2 hours total)
Type of session: pre-recorded – available on demand
Developed and delivered by: AHS dietitians, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists
Watch video series
Your guide to tummy time
Are you wondering how to do tummy time with your baby?
If so, join this session to learn about:
- why tummy time is important for your baby
- at what age your baby can start tummy time
- how much tummy time is best for your baby
- what to do if your baby doesn’t like tummy time
- making tummy time work for you and your baby
This webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children from birth to 12 months.
Length of session: 45 minutes
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS physiotherapists
Date and registration

Talking and Listening
Early communication: Helping your child develop first words
Do you have questions about your baby or toddler’s communication skills? Do you wonder how you can help them start talking?
If so, join these 2 sessions to learn how:
- babies and toddlers develop talking and listening skills as they grow
- to support your child’s talking and listening skills in everyday activities
- to get more help if you have concerns
This 2-part webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children from birth to 18 months who are working towards first words. These sessions may also be suitable for parents and caregivers of preschool children with language delays who are not yet using first words.
Length of session: 2 sessions – 1 hour each (2 hours total)
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS speech language pathologists
Date and registration
Talking and listening for children who are using first words
Did your child just start saying their first words? Do you wonder how you can help them start putting words together?
If so, join these 2 sessions to learn how:
- young children develop talking and listening skills as they grow
- to help your child learn communication skills in everyday activities
- to get more help if you have concerns
This 2-part webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children ages 18 to 36 months. These sessions are most suitable for parents and caregivers of children who are saying their first words.
Length of session: 2 sessions – 1 hour each (2 hours total)
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS speech language pathologists
Date and registration
Supporting your child’s speech
Do you have questions about your child’s speech sounds or how clearly they’re able to talk?
If this is you, join this webinar to learn about how:
- children develop speech sounds as they grow
- to best support your child’s speech sounds in everyday activities
- to get to more help when needed
This webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children ages 3 to 7 years who are using words and sentences.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS speech language pathologists
Date and registration

Get ready for successful speech therapy
Is your child just starting speech therapy sessions? Do you wonder how you can help them get the most from speech therapy?
If so, join us for a live webinar or a pre-recorded video series to learn about:
- what to expect from your child’s speech therapy sessions
- working together with the speech therapy team
- planning for successful speech therapy and what to do next
- setting up home practice
These sessions are intended for parents and caregivers of children who are ages 3 years and older and have speech sound-related concerns. This is most relevant for families who are just starting speech therapy with an AHS speech therapist.
Live webinar
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Date and registration 
Video series
Length of session: range from 4 to 11 minutes (total 45 minutes)
Type of session: Pre-recorded – available on demand
Watch video series

Developed and delivered by: AHS speech language pathologists
Common questions about children learning more than one language
Is your child hearing or speaking more than one language? Do you wonder how this will affect their language skills? If these are questions you have, join this session to learn:
- what happens when children learn more than one language
- how you can support your child’s language learning
- when to reach out for help
- answers to frequently asked questions
This webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children who are learning more than one language.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS speech language pathologists
Date and registration 
Understanding stuttering and how to help
Do you wonder if your child is stuttering? Do you want to find out more about stuttering and how to help?
If so, join us to learn:
- what stuttering is and what it isn’t
- how to help children who stutter
- when and where to get help if you have concerns
This webinar is intended for parents and caregivers of children ages 2 to 10 who wonder if their child is stuttering. The information in this webinar may also be suitable for parents and caregivers of children who are just starting speech therapy for stuttering.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS speech language pathologists
Date and registration
Walking, Moving, and Mobility
Helping your child develop movement skills
In their first 2 years, your child learns many new ways to move their body. Do you have questions about your child’s development? Do you want to learn more about how to help your child build their movement skills?
If so, join this session to learn about:
- how your child’s movement (motor) skills develop
- the order in which motor skills develop and why each stage is important
- how purposeful play can help to encourage motor skills
- when to see a pediatric physiotherapist for help
This session is intended for all parents and caregivers of children from birth to 24 months.
Length of session: 30 minutes
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS physiotherapists
Date and registration

Late walkers: What to expect and do to help your child
Walking is an important milestone in your child's development. Are you concerned that your child isn’t walking yet?
If so, join this session to:
- learn about the order that children typically develop skills when learning to walk
- help your child get ready for standing and taking steps
- know when to get extra help for your child
This session is intended for all parents and caregivers of children 15 months and older who are not taking steps on their own.
Length of session: 45 minutes
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS physiotherapists
Date and registration

Social Skills, Play, and Recreation
Screen time: Finding balance in a digital world
Are you worried your child is using screens too much (phone, tablet, TV)? Is it hard to get your child away from a screen?
You may have heard that it’s best if you limit your child’s screen time, but you’re not sure where to start. This session will help you find out:
- why it’s so hard to limit screen time
- when and where screens fit into daily life
- how to make a balanced plan for screen time that works for your family
This 3-part webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children from ages birth to 10 years.
Length of session: 3 sessions, 1 hour each session (3 hours total)
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist
Date and registration

Emotions, Feelings, and How You Respond
Emotional regulation: Introduction to managing your emotions
Did you know that managing your emotions is important for getting along with others, adjusting to new situations, and overall health and wellbeing?
To find new ways to help your child manage strong emotions join this webinar to learn:
- what emotional regulation is
- why it’s important for your child’s development
- how to keep developing this skill
This webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children from birth to 5 years.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS psychologists and social workers
Date and registration

The ABCs of addressing behaviour challenges
Does your child seem to struggle with controlling impulses or aggression? Do they have trouble following directions or requests? Are you concerned that your child is too cautious, clingy, fearful, or resistant to changes?
Find effective ways to understand and cope with these behaviour challenges. In these 2 sessions you’ll learn:
- how to recognize the underlying emotions and needs that aren’t being met
- strategies to build cooperation and lower frustration
- where to get more information and help
This 2-part webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers of children ages birth to 5 years.
Length of session: 2 sessions – 1 hour each (2 hours total)
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS psychologist and social worker
Date and registration

Sensory processing: Everyday sensations
Your child feels sensations from their body and what’s around them (see, feel, hear, touch, and smell). They use these to make sense of their world and how to act or respond. They also like and dislike certain sensations which affects their actions and emotions.
To learn how you can help your child as they discover these sensations, join us in this webinar. You’ll:
- learn more about how your child makes sense of their surroundings, called sensory processing
- discover what your child prefers as sensory input and what's too much input (limits)
- identify the variety of sensations in everyday activities
- help your child in their everyday activities by using their sensory preferences
This webinar is intended for all parents and caregivers, whose children are ages 2 years to 18 years.
Length of session: 1.5 hours
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS occupational therapists
Date and registration
Self-care break for your busy life
Do you find it challenging to make time for yourself while taking care of others? Are you curious about quick and easy ways to lower your stress and increase wellness?
Join us for these 4 sessions in this series. Feel free to attend 1 or all of them to:
- learn simple and effective ways to increase your self-care
- practice brief and useful activities that you could easily add to your routine
This open series consists of 4 webinars. A different topic will be presented each week. You can choose which ones you want to see and in what order. These are stand-alone sessions. Registration is required for each weekly session. They are intended for parents and caregivers of children of any age.
Length of session: 30 minutes each – 4 sessions
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS psychologist and social worker
Awareness – Bring your attention to the present moment. Notice your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.
Date and registration
Gratitude – Pay attention to and appreciate the good in your everyday activities.
Date and registration
Acceptance – Observe and allow experiences around you. Develop your curiosity of what is happening inside of you.
Date and registration
Compassion – Learn about and practice giving kindness and care to yourself and others.
Date and registration
Taking care of the caregiver
Does your child have developmental, mental health or medical issues that need a lot of care? Would you like to learn some simple ways to care for yourself as you care for others?
If so, join this webinar to help you:
- recognize signs of caregiver fatigue and stress
- learn how caring for yourself helps your daily life and your relationships
- learn ways to support your emotional health
This webinar is intended for parents and caregivers of children from birth to 18 years with any or all concerns related to their development, mental health or medical condition.
Length of session: 1 hour
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS psychologist and occupational therapist
Date and registration
Head Shape, Head Tilt, and Neck Stiffness
Infant head shape and torticollis
Babies commonly have some head shape differences when they are first born. Most babies’ head shape evens out after the first 3 weeks. In this series of videos, you’ll learn about changes in head shape that don’t get better in the first few weeks, or that show up after the first few weeks. You’ll also learn about changes in the way a baby moves their head and neck (torticollis).
In this series you’ll learn about:
- Common head shape changes
- Neck movement problems (torticollis)
- What you can do to help your baby
- When to get more help
These recorded sessions are intended for parents and caregivers of children from birth to 18 months. The series includes 4 videos.
Length of session: range from 10 to 12 minutes (45 minutes total)
Type of session: pre-recorded – available on demand
Developed and delivered by: AHS physiotherapists
Watch video series
Infant head shape: Positioning for babies
Are you worried that your baby has a flat spot on their head? Do you want more information?
If so, join this session to learn about:
- how to tell if your baby has a flat spot on their head
- what you can do to help your baby’s head shape get better
- when should you see your doctor or a physiotherapist
This session is intended for all parents and caregivers of children from birth to 18 months.
Length of session: 45 minutes
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS physiotherapists
Date and registration
Infant torticollis: Positioning for babies
Does your baby turn their head to one side most of the time or do they hold their head tilted to one side?
If so, join this session to learn:
- what torticollis is
- how it affects your baby and their neck movement
- how it can affect your baby's head shape
- what you can do to help improve your baby's neck movement
- when you should see your doctor or a physiotherapist
This session is intended for all parents and caregivers of children from birth to 18 months.
Length of session: 45 minutes
Type of session: Live online session – hosted on Zoom
Developed and delivered by: AHS physiotherapists
Date and registration