Alberta Health Services
Health Information
Respiratory infections are caused by organisms such as viruses or bacteria that affect the airway and lungs. The organisms can be spread by coughing, sneezing or face-to-face contact.
Symptoms of respiratory illness include cough, runny or stuffy nose and sore throat, which may be caused by one of the following:
If you are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness, use the assessment tool to help decide if you should talk to someone about your symptoms or need additional care. You can complete an assessment for yourself or another person, like a child/youth or someone else you are caring for.
As of April 1, rapid antigen tests (RAT tests) will be the recommended COVID-19 test for all individuals with respiratory virus symptoms, including healthcare workers and workers in other high-risk settings.
Pending availability, free COVID-19 rapid testing kits can be picked up at these locations. Please note:
If you require COVID-19 testing outside of the public testing program (e.g. for travel), a variety of fee-for-service options are available through the private sector, including DynaLIFE Medical Labs, Numi Health, Equity Health Services and some pharmacies.