From “spilled milk” moments to traumatic events, life’s challenges happen to you, to me, to everyone.
As much as we’d like to, we can't prevent all these experiences from happening, but what we can do is build resilience.
Resilience is what helps you bounce back after a hardship.
And it's what helps you learn and grow from an experience.
Being resilient about the "big stuff" is important.
But life can get complicated.
Resilience also helps you handle the typical and ever-changing demands of daily life.
Here are seven ideas to help you build resilience.
One: Explore your thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes when times are tough or things are changing, we get caught up in what's wrong.
And we can get stuck in those negative feelings.
Plus, it can be hard to think clearly and know what you're really feeling.
Or how to react.
Give yourself permission and time to figure out what you feel.
Two: Find the positive.
Once you know how you feel, you may become more open to finding the positive.
You may even be able to see the "funny" in stressful situations.
It's okay to have a laugh in the midst of crisis.
Three: Learn from your past.
Look back through your life.
Remember the wisdom and strength you gained from challenging experiences.
Four: Believe in yourself.
Focusing on your strengths and successes may help you become more confident and self-reliant.
You've got this!
Five: Seek out people who are good for you.
Build relationships that are solid and loving with people you can trust when times are good—and when times aren't so good.
And if you're not comfortable sharing with friends, it can help to talk with a counselor.
Six: Take care of yourself.
It's important you do this for yourself and for the people who care about you.
Make—and protect—the time to do the things you enjoy.
Watch a movie.
Have a good meal.
Spend time alone or with friends.
Make time for healthy activities like walking and getting enough sleep.
And it's a good idea to avoid unhealthy foods as well as alcohol and other drugs.
They can lead to more problems.
Seven: Be thankful for the good that you see around you.
Even in the worst of times, listing even the smallest things you’re grateful for each day can make a big difference.
And it helps you to focus on the good things… the gifts you have right now instead of what's changed.
Now, you may not be able to always control what's happening.
But resilience empowers you to get through a tough time.
Resilience is also a skill that you can work on every day.
Practicing ways to bounce back after "spilled milk" moments can be a guide to helping you find your resilience for the "big stuff."
Over time, resilience will give you an inner strength that helps you cope, grow, and heal— no matter what life brings your way.