A lot of us spend too much time sitting.
Whether it's at a desk, in a car, or in front of a TV, sitting for too long can make you stiff and sore.
Getting up often and doing a few stretches can loosen you up.
And stretching can help you become more flexible.
You can do it anywhere, whenever you want.
But if you're not used to doing stretches, a few basics are good to know.
Like, when you start a stretch, take a nice, deep breath.
Then breathe out as you ease yourself into the stretch.
Breathe normally as you hold the stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds.
And relax.
Don't push or bounce.
Be careful how deep you stretch.
It's okay if stretching is a little uncomfortable, but it should never be painful.
And if you have good balance, you might even try closing your eyes while stretching.
It helps you relax.
Be sure to take a moment to check in with your body, and enjoy the nice, warm feeling that comes after a good stretch.