COVID-19 Viral Test: About This Test
What is it?
Note: This information is only about the test to diagnose COVID-19 at Alberta Health Services health facilities (like hospitals) or assessment (swab) centres. For information about home antigen testing, see rapid testing at home. This information is also not about tests such as a COVID-19 antibody test that show if you had COVID-19 in the past.
A COVID-19 test is a way to find out if you have COVID-19. There are different types of viral tests:
- A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or nucleic acid test looks for genetic material from the virus.
- An antigen test looks for proteins on the virus.
- An ID NOW is similar to antigen tests and looks for COVID-19 genetic material in a different way.
ID NOW test results usually come back in a few hours. PCR tests may take a few days. Faster PCR testing is done for people who are very sick and need hospital care.
If you have questions about COVID-19 testing, ask your doctor or check your local or provincial health authority website for information.
Why is it done?
This test is used to diagnose a current infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Knowing that you have the virus means that you can take steps to protect others from getting infected. This can help limit the spread of the virus.
Your doctor may have you take the test to find out if you have the virus. If you have the virus, they may have you take medicine to help prevent serious illness. Treatment works best when it's started early.
You may be advised to get tested right away if you have COVID-19 symptoms. If your test is positive, let your doctor know right away.
How do you prepare for the test?
You don't need to do anything to prepare for this test. But be sure to follow any instructions your health care provider gives you.
How is it done?
The test is most often done on a sample from your nose (nasopharyngeal) or throat. One way a sample is collected is by rubbing a swab in a circle in each nostril.
What should you do while you wait for your test results?
While you wait for the results of your COVID-19 test, if you have symptoms, you should stay in your home, and stay away from others. If you can, try to stay in a separate room. This might help you avoid infecting family members or other people you live with.
Follow your doctor's instructions or visit COVID-19 Information for Albertans for information about what to do when you get your results back, even if the test is negative.
What do your results mean?
A PCR or ID NOW result is either positive or negative. In hospitals, the ID NOW result may be reported as positive or result to follow with a follow-up PCR test done.
A positive result means that the antigen or the genetic material of the virus was found in your sample. You have COVID-19 now.
Result to follow means that the antigen or genetic material of the virus was not found in your sample, but your sample needs more testing before confirming the test is negative for COVID-19.
A negative result means that the antigen or the genetic material was not found. This may mean that you don't have COVID-19.
It is possible to get a "false-negative" result. This may mean that the test result says you do not have COVID-19 when in fact you do. This can happen because:
- You were tested too soon (before the virus got to high enough levels in your nose and throat).
- You were tested too late (after your immune system fought off the virus).
- The swab did not reach the infected area.
Because a false negative result is possible, continue to isolate if you have symptoms. Follow all public health measures.
Where can you learn more?
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Adaptation Date: 12/10/2024
Adapted By: Alberta Health Services
Adaptation Reviewed By: Alberta Health Services