7 Tips for Eating Healthy When You're Home All the Time

Make quick meals on busy nights. Try recipes that are simple to make and easy to clean up, like pasta, soups, or casseroles. These dishes can often be made ahead of time and are easy to reheat when you're short on time.

Buy foods that last. Choose fresh foods, such as onions, garlic, and potatoes. You can also reach for frozen, canned, and dried foods. Foods like these last and can help you pull a healthy meal together quickly.

Cook something new. Try checking out cookbooks from the library. Or search for new recipes online. You can also change the ingredients in an old favourite recipe. Or switch the seasonings to create something new.

Try theme nights. Try "Taco Tuesday." Do "Meatless Monday" for a vegetarian meal each week. And save "Leftovers Night" for days when you don't want to cook. Let your favourite dishes guide you. Then make them again every few weeks.

Cook with a friend. Maybe you know someone who's feeling the same way about healthy eating. Pick a recipe and schedule a night to make it "together." You can also video call while you cook or eat.

Share food with other people. If you like cooking and baking, you can share what you've made. Split up what you've made and keep only what you want to eat. You can wrap up the rest to share with a friend, neighbour, or family member.

Aim for balance, variety, and moderation. On most days, eat different types of foods - vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and protein. For example, if you often eat rice, try a different grain like barley or quinoa instead. Different foods have different nutrients, flavours, and textures. Try new foods to see if you can find new favourites. All foods, if you eat them in moderation, can be part of healthy eating.
Adaptation Date: 03/02/2022
Adapted By: Alberta Health Services
Adaptation Reviewed By: Alberta Health Services