Learning About How to Get Birth Control
Birth control is any method used to prevent pregnancy. You have choices when it comes to birth control. Depending on which type you choose, you can get birth control in different ways.

If you're younger than 18 and looking for birth control, you have a right to confidential sexual and reproductive care without parental permission in most provinces. Go to ahs.ca/srh.

Many provincial health plans include some free birth control options. A private drug plan may cover some or all the costs. Talk with your doctor or visit a sexual health clinic to learn about your options.
How can you get birth control?
Here are some ways you can get birth control.

Over the counter (OTC)
- Find them in drugstores, online, and in many grocery stores.
- Options include:
- Condoms, internal and external.
- A non-fitted diaphragm (Caya).
- This must be used with a spermicidal jelly you can buy over the counter.
- Spermicides.
- Some emergency contraception.

From your doctor or sexual health clinic
- You'll need a prescription for:
- Pills, patches, or a ring.
- A hormone shot.
- A fitted diaphragm.
- This must be used with a spermicidal jelly you can buy over the counter.
- Some emergency contraception.
- You can have an implant or IUD placed.
Where can you learn more?
Go to https://www.healthwise.net/patientEd
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Adaptation Date: 06/12/2024
Adapted By: Alberta Health Services
Adaptation Reviewed By: Alberta Health Services